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RDC: “If there is one park in Africa that you must visit, its Virunga National Park” 
Sean Rorison/Bradt Guide Congo.






Virunga National Park is home to about 200 of the world’s remaining 790 Mountain Gorillas. Visit the Gorilla Page to find out more about these gentle giants.
The Rwenzori Mountain trek in the northern sector of the park takes 6 days to reach Margherita Peak at 5119m (16,763 ft).  
Green Hills Ecotours welcomes you to Rwanda and DRC.  
Lake Edward is one of the most fertile lakes in Africa and is home to an abundance in wildlife including a large population of Hippo’s.





Mount Mikeno is home to the mountain gorillas of Virunga National Park. The mountain is part of a range of 8 volcanoes called the Virunga Massif. 


The summit of Nyiragongo Volcano stands at 3,468m (11,380 ft), has an average diameter of 1.2 km (0.7miles), and holds a deep crater. 

.Gorillas are the largest living primates - the family of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans. A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds. He can spread his arms 8 feet across and is as strong as 4 to 8 strong men. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males..

Green Hills Ecotours  






diallo_cravate.jpgLike humans, gorillas have two legs and two arms, 10 fingers and 10 toes, small ears on the side of the head, forward-looking eyes and 32 teeth. Unlike us, their arms are longer and more muscular than their legs, and their big toes look like thumbs. Their bodies are covered by thick dark hair, except on the face, chest, underarms, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. An adult male gorillas becomes a "silverback" at about age 15 when he is full grown and the hair on his back turns silvery-gray..  

Mountain gorillas share 98% of the human DNA. This makes them susceptible to contracting human virus’ and disease. Visitors must stay at least 7 meters from the gorillas.







Gorillas normally walk by putting their feet flat and walking on the knuckles of their hands. They can stand upright, but they don't do it very often. When they do, it is often to "chestslap." Gorillas do not beat their chests with their fists but with open cupped hands, making the familiar loud sound which can indicate aggression or excitement.

Gorillas communicate with each other by using gestures, body postures, facial expressions, vocal sounds, chestslaps, drumming and odors. Although they cannot make the sounds of human speech, gorillas are capable of understanding spoken languages and they can learn to communicate in sign language. 
Gorillas are very intelligent, and they share with us a full range of emotions: love, hate, fear, grief, joy, greed, generosity, pride, shame, empathy, and jealousy. They laugh when they are tickled and cry when they are sad or hurt. Gorillas cry with sounds, not tears  

A typical gorilla family inclues one silverback, the strongest male and the undisputed leader; one immature male between 8 and 13 years old; three or four adult females, who ordinarily stay with the silverback for life; and three to six youngsters under 8 years old. Some groups are larger or smaller than this, and males sometimes travel alone or form bachelor groups. 
8. Gorillas sleep about 13 hours each night and rest for several hours at midday. They build new sleeping nests every night by bending nearby plants into a springy platform, usually on the ground or in low trees. When not resting they spend most of their time looking for food and eating it. They eat mostly plant foods: leaves, shoots, fruits, bulbs, bark, vines and nettles. They also eat ants, termites, grubs, worms and insect larvae. 



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There are three types of gorillas: Western Lowland, Eastern Lowland and Mountain gorillas. The names refer to the different areas of Africa where they live. Mountain gorillas are the most critically endangered, with conservative estimates of only 400 to 600 living at this time. Koko and Michael, and most zoo gorillas, are Western Lowland gorillas. 
10. Gorillas are shy and peaceful. The only natural enemy of gorillas has always been human beings. Gorillas are still hunted for meat (bushmeat) and trophies in some parts of Africa, and they are caught in traps set for other animals. In the past, whenever an infant gorilla was captured for a zoo, the mother and often the other members of the family were killed as they defended the baby. Now the most serious threat to free-living gorillas is the human population explosion. As more and more people take over the land for agriculture, logging and other development, the gorillas have nowhere left to go. 



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Last modified on 25.06.2012
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